Hi! I'm Julia. Get to know me!

I'm from the small yet mighty state of Maryland and grew up watching classic movie musicals. My introduction to the stage was at age 6 after seeing a cover of the country song "Let Er’ Rip" on American Idol Juniors. I sang this song in a local variety show that year and I went ALL out in a full pink cowgirl outfit: Click here for video proof!
I was soon taking voice lessons and getting myself into every local/school/community theatre production I possibly could. After trying other things and even earning a 2nd degree black belt in karate after 10 years, nothing topped my pull towards the performing arts. I knew I had to be a part of this magical community.
I attended Rider University in New Jersey which allowed me to easily travel to and fall in love with my future home, New York City. In May of 2020 I graduated summa cum laude with my B.F.A. in Musical Theatre.
I moved to NYC in the spring of 2021 and since then, I have worked at various regional theaters and venues. I booked my first international tour in August of 2022 and just finished my 2nd year traveling the world playing a longtime dream role: Liesl Von Trapp in The Sound of Music!
Besides theatre, I have a fierce love for old bay seasoning, cold brew coffee, Taylor Swift, romance novels, all things The Bachelor, reality television in general, and the Food/HGTV network.